Integration does not show up for shared files.
AnsweredMy and my team is developing this new application using the APIs.
However, I can only see the integrations for files that I've uploaded myself. If someone shares a file with me I cannot use my integration with it.
Even if the other person is a developer of the same integration.
Is there any settings that fixes this, or is it just not possible?
Official comment
In order to provide guidance, I need some more information. Can you share your client id of the application you made in the developer console? Also, can you describe your overall use case in more detail?
Alex, Box Developer Advocate
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Hi Alex! I can fill in some for Mattias. We are creating a custom application. It has client id 4325ld0d659ioqj194d6ofbjo49zpdfs. By right-clicking a file and choose integrations, and our app, it opens a file in our application, in another tab. We are both admins for the app.
I can see the integration listed when right-clicking a file I have uploaded, but when clicking a file that someone else has uploaded, all my own apps/integrations are not visible. Please see images below.
Thank you for sending more information! This helps me get us to the right answer!
I think part of the issue comes from each person being in a separate free developer box enterprise id vs everyone being in one enterprise box account. Can you try toggling the display on shared pages switch to on for the integration and see if that helps?
Alex, Box Developer Advocate
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