Unexpected access token restrictions

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  • Olov Wikberg

    One thing I discovered is that if I remove the #auth_code# query parameter in the integration (picture 1) and makes the frontend app redirect to this URL when missing an auth_code:


    the user will be asked to give more privileges to the app and a new code will be sent received by the frontend app, hence getting /tasks will work. However this means that the user will be prompted about app access two times (picture 2 and picture 3), which seems wrong.

    So, the question remains for me; how do we get box to ask for enough permissions when right-clicking a file and open in our integration!

    Thanks in advance :)


    Picture 1

    Picture 2

    Picture 3

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  • Olov Wikberg

    Hi again! Anyone having a clue about this? Any input is welcome :)

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