BoxConfigBuilder class does not exist in Box.V2.Config name space (Box.V2.3.26.0.nupkg)
To give you some context: I wanna automate uploading files to a folder using FileRequest Url. Since the filerequesturl is supposed to be publicly accessible I am gonna use App token use app token authentication (Limited app), pass an app token to .net SDK (I have to use the SDK in .Net framework 4.5+)
I installed this nuget Package:
I am following this documentation:
encontering the issue that BoxConfigBuilder class does not exist in Box.V2.Config name space.
I added the class from SDK source code to my solution to make it work, but Now I have to resolve other issues, the following constants are not found.
public Uri BoxApiHostUri { get; private set; } = new Uri(Constants.BoxApiHostUriString);
public Uri BoxAccountApiHostUri { get; private set; } = new Uri(Constants.BoxAccountApiHostUriString);
public Uri BoxApiUri { get; private set; } = new Uri(Constants.BoxApiUriString);
public Uri BoxUploadApiUri { get; private set; } = new Uri(Constants.BoxUploadApiUriString);
Any idea?
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