Unable to download file
AnsweredHi, I am unable to download a file using the box-python-SDK and JWT authentication that is in my account (is = 871717118109).
I am getting the access token with some scripts I found in the docs, and it's working, because it's printing the user id.
But when I try to download the file, it's giving a 404 error: Could not find the specified resource, with the request-id utxcvmgvcpuwcx9h.
The URL in the error message was not working.
The permissions I gave to my app is to read all files and folders and write all files and folders stored in box.
Thanks in advance
Let me know if you need some more information.
Official comment
This typically happens when the service account that was created after authorization of the custom JWT app does not have access to the content. You can either collaborate the service account into the content or make an as-user API call.
Hope this helps!
Alex, Box Developer Advocate
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