Unable to use box_read in boxr package
CompletedI am attempting to use the boxr package to read a csv from a single user account. When I set up the app as described here, I was able to get box_auth() to connect to the application, but when I tried box_read_csv() with the appropriate file id, the error returned as follows:
Error in boxGet(file_id, local_file = temp_file, version_id = version_id, :
Error downloading file id 883336178858: Client error: (403) Forbidden
I attempted to authorize the custom app in the Admin console, but when I pasted in the client id I got an error message: This app does not have server authentication.
Any help would be appreciated.
Official comment
That repo you linked is not actually maintained by box.... so you might try filing an issue in that repo here.
Because the application is an OAuth app... you don't actually have to have the admin authorize the application.
Alex, Box Developer Advocate
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