AnsweredHow to retrieve weblinks from root folder with box java sdk?
hi Ritika
You can use the BoxItem.Info.getType() to work out the type of items in the folder. Either File,Folder or Weblink
https://github.com/box/box-java-sdk/blob/main/doc/folders.md#get-a-folders-itemsFor root folder you could do something like this:
BoxFolder folder = new BoxFolder(api, "0"); for (BoxItem.Info itemInfo : folder) {
if (itemInfo.getType().equals("web_link") {
BoxWeblink.Info weblinkInfo = (BoxWeblink.Info) itemInfo;
// Do something with the weblink.
} else if (itemInfo.getType().equals("file") { BoxFile.Info fileInfo = (BoxFile.Info) itemInfo; // Do something with the file. } else if (itemInfo.getType().equals("folder") { BoxFolder.Info folderInfo = (BoxFolder.Info) itemInfo; // Do something with the folder. } }Best regards
Peter Christensen, Platform Solutions Engineer, Box -
Thanks Peter Christensen
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