Redirection uri mismatch issue

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  • Rui Barbosa

    Hi Vijendra,

    This symptom can originate from different places, the usual suspects are:

    Authentication Method on your app configuration

    On the dev console open your app, flip to the configuration, and check the redirect URI's (looks like this)

    Make sure your app authentication is consistent. JWT vs User/Client Authentication.


    Redirect URI's on your app configuration

    This has "recently-ish" changed, check out this release note.

    On the dev console open your app, flip to the configuration, and check the redirect URI's (looks like this)

    Make sure it matches what you used on you SDK Box config

    BoxConfig.CLIENT_ID = "your-client-id";
    BoxConfig.CLIENT_SECRET = "your-client-secret";
    // must match the redirect_uri set in your developer account
    // if one has been set.
    //Redirect uri should not be of type file:// or content://.
    BoxConfig.REDIRECT_URL = "your-redirect-uri";

    Hope this helps.



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