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  • Alex Novotny

    May I have the client id of the application? 

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  • Alexander Lindenstruth

    Sorry for the belated answer, somehow the forum notification email went straight into my junk folder because it had neither sender nor subject.

    It's about two apps with the client ids "(removed)" and "(removed)"

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  • Alex Novotny

    You typically see the redirect_url_missing error if you don't pass one in your authorization call...


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  • Alexander Lindenstruth

    but it IS there, that's my problem. It's even shown in the error message, as you can see above.


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  • Alexander Lindenstruth

    So there is really nothing helpful here for me to let me add Box support to our apps? I don't know how else I could explain my problem other than with this annotated screenshot here:

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  • Alexander Lindenstruth

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  • Alexander Lindenstruth

    The app specifies a custom url scheme, but using it changes nothing.

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  • Alexander Lindenstruth

    For some reason it started to work, but I haven't really changed anything. I just kept disabling and re-enabling the respective entry in the Custom Apps Manager because it continuously switched its Client ID to an old and defunct one after several minutes. After the 4th or 5th try (didn't keep count) it started to work and the entry kept the correct Client ID. Pretty  frustrating. But at least it finally seems to work now

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