

  • Alex Novotny


    This is not available yet - but I will let the team know you are interested in that functionality. 


    Alex, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Adarsh Subramanian

    Hi David, could you share additional details about your use case? 

    • What does your app do? 
    • What signature workflow are you trying to enable with Box Sign via the Content Explorer? 


    Sr. Product Manager, Box Platform

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  • David Rodgers

    Thanks for the quick feedback. We’re going to fork the content explorer and add a component that uses the Sign APIs. I’m happy to share that code when its done.

    We're onboarding beta customers soon to use a portion of the app supports scheduling for high volume photography studios. The concept of a calendar event is design to be extremely flexible. If the photography industry use case succeeds, we’re going to tweak the calendar event data model and target other niche industries we've identified that need more tailored scheduling than generalized tools like Calendly.

    One place we're embedding the content explorer is the studio customer detail page. A customer could be a school / company that needs their students / employees to schedule photo sessions. Studios employees will have a view into a root folder for each customer. Customers have a view into a sub folder within the customer root folder. Contracts that need to be signed by customers will added to the sub folder.

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  • Adarsh Subramanian

    Hi David, 

    That sounds very exciting! Would you be open to a brief meeting sometime to share some of the great things you've done with UI Elements and Box APIs? :)

    I'd love to gather your feedback and also share some of the exciting updates coming to UI Elements in the near future!


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