BoxNote file Json content change in (August release 2022) and whereabouts of Box Note API endpoints.

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  • Alex Novotny
    1. Yes, this is unavoidable and expected behavior. Notes in the New Editor are a new format. We don’t expect customers to directly interact with the Notes content other than via the Notes app.
    2. I believe this is the same answer as above. 
    3. Nothing is on the roadmap at this time. You can add it to Box Pulse
    We currently don’t provide any APIs for Notes and have no plans to do this in the future. 
    Based on the questions, I'm going to assume you are turning .boxnote files into PDFs somehow with your own conversion code? Can you explain your use case a bit more? 
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  • Box User

    We want to convert box note files and extract attachments but there is no API call for implementing the same.

    Please add this feature of exporting box note as pdf with comments as pdf, task pdf ,attachment of box note as attachment , boxnote metadata embodied in files.
    If possible then when we fire API call to downloads then generate one zip which contains all above things ASAP.

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