Katie Kao

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Recent activity by Katie Kao Recent activity Votes
  • Storage size incorrect


    Support team, I need you to run a script for my account to fix the data inaccuracy issues around my storage size.

  • Incorrect Storage Space

    I have deleted many large folders but my storage is still saying 9GB/10BG used. You have already ran the script to update the storage but it is still saying the same. Is there a way to tell me whic...

  • Storage reset

    I just deleted several files from my account. The storage size is not reflecting what has been cleared. Can you please do a storage reset? Thank you!

  • Storage reset

    Please run the script to reset my storage.  I deleted all my files and emptied the trash earlier this month and it says my storage is full.

  • Incorrect storage usage

    Hello, I need the script run to reset my storage