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Fetching particular Folder items (for type=file) after a specific date.

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3 commentaires

  • Rui Barbosa


    This can have multiple reasons, none of them related with "doing something wrong", and it could be as simple as ehe user that created the developer token does not have access to the file.

    So if you just search the content of the parent folder (without any more parameters), does it list the file?

    if so this means the search parameters are incorrect or the search hasn't indexed the file (unlikely if the file has not been created in the last few minutes).

    If you list the contents of the folder (as opposed to search) does it list the file? 

    If not this means the user associated with the API token does not have permissions to access the file.

    Let us know.

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  • Box User

    I checked user have access to this file.
    I am getting this file when I list the item of the file using folder id.

    If u think search parameters were incorrect. 
    please point out where I am doing it wrong.
    The API call was : 


    Please let me know.

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  • Rui Barbosa

    It looks fine to me.

    If you apply that type of filter to any other content, does it find it?

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