I have a question about box opneAPI.
Thank you for your support as always.
I have a question about box opneAPI.
Is there an API to get "who downloaded it" information?
Introduction - Yuta Okutani
Hi Yuta,
There is a preview and download count in the shared link of the file object.
This is assuming the file is shared.
So for example if I list a file:
❯ box files:get 1127033253925 --as-user 18622116055 --fields type,id,name,shared_link
Type: file
ID: '1127033253925'
Name: file_example_AVI_1280_1_5MG.avi
Shared Link:
URL: 'https://app.box.com/s/z9r2mntj3beuxs5rtw4do8dlkqgeqj35'
Download URL: 'https://app.box.com/shared/static/z9r2mntj3beuxs5rtw4do8dlkqgeqj35.avi'
Vanity URL: null
Vanity Name: null
Effective Access: open
Effective Permission: can_download
Is Password Enabled: false
Unshared At: null
Download Count: 2
Preview Count: 1
Access: open
Can Preview: true
Can Download: true
Can Edit: falseNot sure about your use case, let us know if this helps.
Best regards
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