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5 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Heather, 

    Welcome to the Box Community! 

    I understand you are having issue trying to cancel your account.
    This seems like it might be an issue that requires some account specific information, so I've submitted a case on your behalf.
    You should be receiving an email confirmation shortly.
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  • Heather OHara

    Thank you

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  • Susan Baker

    I have never used the account and signed up accidentally.  I requested a refund immediately and have not heard from the refund department.  


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  • Carol Gray

    Box is not the solution I want and I am cancelling my subscription and expect a full refund. It is impossible to do this through the site and I have tried every step. Will someone please get back to me and tell me how I can get a refund? Carol Gray

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  • France

    Hi Susan and Carol, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    You may follow the steps in this article on how to cancel your Box account: Canceling Your Box Account

    You may also email cancel@box.com or if you are having issues and unable cancel your Box account, submit a ticket here with our cancellations team: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/requests/new 


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