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11 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi Robin, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    We have previously announced that the Beta for Drive on M1 devices is now available for Enterprise customers. The Beta will be rolled out to enrolled Enterprise customers in phases. Kindly reach out your Box Account Team for information regarding the Beta. 

    Thanks for your patience as we worked to provide this support!


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  • Robin Jordan

    Hi France. We are an enterprise customer. Please advise how to roll out the beta you have mentioned.

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  • France

    Hi Robin, 

    You will need to contact your Account Representative for more information regarding the roll out of the Beta version.


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  • Mike Vaia

    Please take your time.  Mac M1's have only been out for 4 months now.

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  • Robin Jordan

    @Mike Vaia, both MS OneDrive / SharePoint and Google Drive work with the M1 chip. In Google's case, compatibility was restored in late January. Clearly, four months is plenty of time to update the software. Box is the laggard here. 

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  • Mike Vaia

    @Robin Jordan, I 100% agree with you.  Based on the downvote on my comment, I'm sensing you didn't pick up on my heavy sarcasm.  

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  • Robin Jordan

    @Mike Vaia, apologies. I assumed you were another Box moderator piling in with helpful suggestions. Vote amended accordingly.  

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  • Joe Chang

    Hi Folks,

    Please check the following support article for instructions on accessing the public beta of Box Drive for M1 devices: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500004691081-M1-Support-for-Box-Drive-Public-Beta



    Box Product Ops

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  • Adam Rice

    Right now the solution for M1 Macs involves enabling "Reduced Security". This is a non-starter for businesses I support, and has been a bit of a wake-up call about Box's lack of attention/resources dedicated to the Apple platform. I hope the version that doesn't require kernel extensions is available soon and is very stable.

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  • mmd0404

    The complexities involved in installing Box Drive and the reduced security setting required on M1 devices is a huge issue for us. When will this be fixed!

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  • Hansen

    has this been resolved?


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