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3 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Patrick, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Please be advise that only the user of that account and his Box Admin would have the ability to update the email address linked to that external user's account.

    The user would have to link a secondary email and make that email his "Primary email" to change this. You can advise the user to follow the steps in this article to update his email address: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196513-Manage-Account-Settings#loginandemail

    Thanks for your participation in the Community!


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  • Patrick Beahn

    Greetings France, 

    I thank you for replying, I will have the external user attempt the swap and then get back to you. 



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  • Patrick Beahn

    Greetings France,

    The external user was able to make the adjustments. 

    Thank you!

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