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403 access_denied_insufficient_permissions

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4 commentaires

  • Kourtney


    The error I'm seeing on the backend is "Missing+permissions+user_api_act_as_user". This indicates that you are attempting to use the as-user header, but it is not properly enabled. Please ensure this option is selected in the configuration tab of the developer console and the app is reauthorized in the admin console to implement the change. 


    Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Andrew Behrend

    Hi Kourtney!  

    I wonder if you might be able to help me?  

    I am having a similar issue (insufficient permission).  What is frustrating is that my API call (creates new collaboration) was working perfectly until a few days ago, now its failing (I only noticed today when a user pointed out something wasn't working as expected).  

    App was / is authorized, service account is added as collaborator. 

    Help is appreciated!  

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  • Tanvir Ahmed

    Thanks Kourtney! It worked after I re-authorized the app. 

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  • Kourtney

    @ Tanvir - Great to hear! Thanks for the update. 

    @ Andrew - I'd be happy to take a look in our backend logs to figure out whats going on! Would you be able to provide me with the client ID of your application and a date/time/timezone you've received the error? 


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