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3 commentaires

  • Rona

    Hi Stephen, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    We have corrected your account storage on your account. To verify this, log in to box.com> Account Settings> Used Storage. 

    Let us know in this forum if you'll get this issue again. https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695334-Storage-Usage-Or-File-Count-In-My-Account-Is-Incorrect

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Carrie Gann

    I'm trying to upload a video to my box account, but I keep getting a message saying my storage is full. I hardly have any files stored on box and I'm no where near my storage limit, however box is indicating otherwise. Can this please be corrected?


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  • Mott

    Same problem here...
    I have a 50GB limit.

    I've already deleted ALL the files and my trash is already empty... but the BOX is saying that I'm using about 15.4GB.

    The problem estarted some weeks ago...

    Could you please help me on correcting that?



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