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4 commentaires

  • Barry Rowell

    Yes, I also have this problem and there is no place to contact support other than in a post like this. It would seem inefficient at best to ask for the script to be run through a community post but please the run the script for my account, too, please. Thank you.

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  • Rona

    Hi DiogoFM and Barry, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    We've corrected your storage count. To verify this, log in to box.com> Account Settings> Used Storage. 

    Let us know in this forum if you happen to experience this issue again. https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695334-Storage-Usage-Or-File-Count-In-My-Account-Is-Incorrect

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Barry Rowell


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  • John Clark

    Please reset my storage count too. It seems to be overcounting 2.5 gb. Thanks! 

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