What is the box-node-sdk call to get devicepins for a user?
RéponduI'm trying to figure out how to get devicepins for a given user like you see in the enterprise admin console when you search a user's name.
I only see how to get all devicepins (which there's a lot) and use the next_marker to page through it but I don't see a way to filter it by user.
adminAPIClient.devicePins.getAll(filter, function(err, data) { res.render('devicepins', { error: err, errorDetails: util.inspect(err), devicepins: data ? data.entries: [], marker: data.next_marker }); });
Here's my sample app ui:
So I took 's advice and ended up getting all device pins since there's no api to filter by name and this seems to work.
app.get('/devicepins', ensureAuthenticated, function(req, res) { var list = []; getDevicePins(null, list) .then(function() { var result = []; for (var i=0; i
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