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I am trying to upload file with'rest-client' gems.

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5 commentaires

  • Murtza

     Have you seen the Box Ruby SDK? Here is the method signature to upload a file with the Ruby SDK.

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  • novice_mux

    Thanks for reply 🙂 
    Yah, it worked with the boxr gem.  I had figured it out before. 

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  • archemedxian

    Did it only work with the boxr gem, or were you able to get it working with the RestClient gem as well?

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  • archemedxian

    Also Murtza, I might ask if there is anything wrong or that can be adjusted to the RestClient call to make it work? This should be a straightforward HTTP task.

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  • novice_mux

    I won't able to upload a file from rest-client. Surprising, It does work with the postman, though postman externally using rest call only.  I think something wrong with the code that I have written. 
    Using Boxer (Ruby gem) easy and fast.  It does solve my problem so I completed my task with boxr gem.

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