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Multi-select options for Content Picker

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3 commentaires

  • cary

    Hey ,


    The ability to select-click to multi select exists currently in the Box Content Picker seen here


    You will need to replace the access token you can generate from the developer console and a folder id you want to test out in the code snippet above. 


    Let us know if this works/referring to! 

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  • cary



    I may have mistaken what you meant with this question and I apologize! To clarify:


    • Currently, users have the ability to hold down shift and select multiple items.
    • If you wish to hold down shift and select the first item and last item to get all items I would file a request here

    Thank you! 

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  • Priyajeet

    We have it on our backlog, but no ETA on when it will be available.

    You can keep an eye out on https://github.com/box/box-ui-elements/issues/273

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