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Box CLI only available for Windows 10?

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3 commentaires

  • ramon_schouten



    My mistake, the above error message was referring to nuget.

    I fixed the nuget issue, but I keep getting the error 'Unknown command: 'box', whilst I have the BoxCLI installed.
    I am using the following command, and the BoxCLI folder with all files is stalled in C:\Program Files

    C:\Users\adm_ramon\Documents\Nuget\nuget.exe box configure environments add "C:\Users\adm_ramon\Downloads\56573075_hb48orej_config.json" --name CLI

    Any ideas?

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  • mwiller

     It appears that you're trying to run 'box' as an argument for nuget.exe — that's not how the CLI is invoked.  The CLI is a standalone executable, which is generally called like this:


    box configure environments add "C:\Users\adm_ramon\Downloads\56573075_hb48orej_config.json" --name CLI
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  • ramon_schouten

    Thanks for your reply, this is indeed what I did wrong!
    I feel kind of stupid for missing that, since I configured the CLI multiple times on my local pc already.


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