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Box CLI Error: no default environment found

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3 commentaires

  • mwiller

     Did you configure the CLI on the remote server?  It looks like that instance of the CLI has not been configured with an environment (and the associated auth information).

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  • ramon_schouten

    Hi, thanks for your quick replies.

    But yes, I have set this, on the remote server, when I run the command in cmd it works like a charm.

    But whenever I perform this through my Selfservice solution I get the error message described as above.


    Any idea?

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  • ramon_schouten

    I have set my default environment, although my Selfservice product does perform it as another user, is this an issue?
    I have set the default environment like this:

    box configure environments add "C:\Users\adm_ramon\Downloads\56573075_nxiiffpe_config.json" --name BoxCLI --set-as-current

    Box default environment.png



    The Selfservice Solution performs the action as local system and the PowerShell task which it uses is stored at C:\ProgramData\Tools4ever\HelloID Directory Agent\tasks
    Perhaps this may raise some ideas?

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