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Issues with retrieving users with a service account

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4 commentaires

  • cbetta

    In your developer console, go to your app and enable "Configuration => Application Access => Enterprise". By default, a JWT app only has access to the service account and accounts created by the app.

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  • jordan_k_miles

    I went into my app and switched the access to "Enterprise", generated a new access token and attempted to return the users again with the same results. It only returns my two service accounts. Is there anything else I need to do? I am creating my JWT as box_sub_type of enterprise and my enterprise id.

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  • Kourtney



    Did you reauthorize your application in the admin console? That must be done anytime you make a change on the configuration page of the developer console in order for the changes to take effect. 



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  • jordan_k_miles

    That fixed it. Thanks!

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