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HTML Embed Code for Box File Viewer?

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3 commentaires

  • vmaker

    Yes, there are two ways to do this - Box Embed and Box View. Both can be embedded in an iFrame.


    Box Embed allows you to embed the Box Webapp experience in your application.



    Box View allows you to embed previews of specific files in your application. https://developer.box.com/docs/box-view


    Thanks for reaching out!

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  • brianbowers

    Thanks, Vmaker!

    I followed your link to the Box View pages, but I'm confused about my next steps.

    I just want a simple iframe-based document viewer for some files stored on our enterprise Box account (U.S. Forest Service).

    Do I really need to bother with all these authentication keys and annotator tokens?

    Any further guidance would be appreciated. Thanks again!,



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  • Kourtney


    Yes, these are important because they're what indicates you have access to the content that will be displayed. It cannot be displayed without authentication taking place. 


    Do you have any specific questions we can help answer? 

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