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post processing "all files"?

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3 commentaires

  • cbetta

     The event feed is probably what you will want to use. https://developer.box.com/reference#get-events-in-an-enterprise

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  • aweber

     that makes sense.  Docs say requires an enterprise admin account...so can I configure a service account to do this?  (FWIW, some of the account selectors - while there are some charts in the docs in the api pages - are a little ambiguous)


    And once I have the event, my service account is not automatically authorized to download that file, right?  I have to fetch the file with the "AsUser" header/option?


    Thanks again.

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  • cbetta

     yes, you pretty much got it. You will need your app approved by an admin to access the enterprise event feed, and to be allowed to use as-user. 

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