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Intermittent "invalid_request" when requesting token

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10 commentaires

  • Zak

    Hi there,


    It looks like the issue is that the correct endpoint to use for a token request is https://api.box.com/oauth2/token instead of https://www.box.com/api/oauth2/token as listed in the documentation here. Please try using this new endpoint to see if this resolves the issue, and if not, please feel free to submit a support ticket so that we can investigate this further.


    Thank you for using the Box Community!

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  • mattpope

    Thanks , I swapped out the URLs and made about 20 requests and that seems to work.


    Do you have any idea why the other URL would work about 1/2 the time? And seemed to work all the time up until a couple weeks ago? Was https://www.box.com/api/oauth2/token recently deprecated?


    Thanks again for the solution.



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  • Box Product Support

    That did the trick for me also!

    The random nature of this was very confusing , why not returning a HTTP 3xx (or even a HTTP 404) when calling the old endpoint?

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  • Brent

    We’ve asked our Engineering team to investigate this issue. Meanwhile, the solution provided here will work and is aligned with our public documentation on our OAuth2 endpoint at https://developer.box.com

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  • kevincassidyds

    Hi, I'm using the new URL but still getting the "Invalid grant_type parameter or parameter missing" error. It was working up until last week. Could there be something else causing the issue? 

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  • ReinhardSeidl

    I also am using the "new" URL - have in fact been using it for ages, and am just now getting errors.

    Is there any way to get an authorization token at all at the moment? I seem to be unable to do so, not just intermittently but permanently, which leaves my app "dead in the water".

    Looks like i'm not the only one.


    Box folks, could you please look into this as something that is buggy with the new URL (https://api.box.com/oauth2/token) rather than calling the issue solved? 

    My code was also working until recently and did not change.



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  • lculloty

    This is causing an issue for me also. Request seems to work through Postman but doesn't when using VB.net?

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  • Shuohao

    Having same issue here with 3rd party integration with Box api.. It's been working for a while, but broke recently. Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • mlandgraf

    This is an issue for me as well. Was working fine until recently and now will not work at all, which is causing major problems for our company. We didn't make any changes on our end so the problem must be on Box's end. Box, please look into this ASAP!

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  • mlandgraf

    All - Per Box support, this issue was caused by a change on their end. When requesting the access the token, the header's content type must be set like 

        var headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    Hopefully this fixes things for a few of you!
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