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Batch API calls?

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5 commentaires

  • Brent

    Hi  Although definitely beneficial and more efficient, the Box API does not currently support Batch API calls. If that should change in the future, you can monitor our API Changelog for updates.

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  • Anonymous

    It seems like it could be so easily solved! Just add some batch front ends to their backend code.


    I'm building a report, and the number of individual API calls are rediculous.

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  • nt1

    Is this still the case?  It would be very helpful if we could make several calls at once.

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  • Anonymous

    Yes. It seems it is still the case. I have a report that is likely to run successfully the next time because it's going to bump into the daily allowed limit of API calls.

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  • blairjanis

    Batchable calls have been added to some SDKs at the time of writing this.
    For a node.js example see changelog for version 1.8.0: https://github.com/box/box-node-sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#180
    And the documentation (which currently leaves something to be desired as it doesn't mention the 20 calls per batch cap among other things) can be found here: https://github.com/box/box-node-sdk/blob/master/docs/client.md#batch-api

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