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JWT enabled but still get redirect_uri_mismatch

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6 commentaires

  • jmoldow_box

    Are you using an SDK? If so, which one?


    Can you paste the code that you're using which is failing?


    Make sure you're using the methods for the JWT auth process, and not the OAuth2 process.

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  • rwilson12

    I am using the following sdk




    I thought I was but maybe not for the auth process. can you include the directions for that, please

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  • rwilson12

    In further review, I can see I am using OAuth. I changed my authentication type and included a redirect_uri and now I get prompted to grant access.


    Is there a way to bypass the grant access prompt?

    When I do grant access, box.com does provide back a code

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  • jmoldow_box

    If you are intending to have users log in with their Box accounts, then your app needs to be set up to do 3-leg OAuth2, not JWT.


    If you are intending to use JWT to access a service account or app users, then you shouldn't be using the /authorize page.


    Our documentation provider is currently experiencing an outage. But when it comes back up, you can find more information about how to do JWT auth at the following links:







    Unfortunately, it looks like the unofficial SDK you are using has no support for JWT auth.

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  • jmoldow_box

    If you are intending to use 3-leg OAuth2, there is no way to bypass the grant process. That is a required part of allowing users to authenticate with your application.


    Once you receive an auth_code back, you can use the /token endpoint to exchange it for an access token and refresh token.

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  • webber1



    I have using the Java SDK for the same. I got it from https://github.com/box/box-java-sdk. Using the JWT method for authentication but not able to find the feild for redirect uri in Box UI. when a response comes for 


     it says:  Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
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