General questions on BOX API
RéponduI am interersted in using BOX API in my project. Can I ask a couple of questions?
1. Can I hook up an event handling method for the event of the box folder content changes? This is for automatically downloading the user uploaded data.
2. Are BOX API and SDK free of charge?
Hello ,
welcome to the forums 🙂
For the first point you can use webhooks: They allow to subscribe a lot of events and then execute any service you have available.
About the second point, the SDK and BOX API are free for what I know, what you pay is for user (named and app users). Named users = real users. Appusers = technical users with limitations on the API usage like 5 or 10 concurrent threads per second and 10.000 calls per day, something like that.
The API limits are the same for both Managed Users and App Users. The differences are more in the implementation (two-legged OAuth2 with JWT vs. three-legged OAuth2) and the ability to compartmentalize your documents by application.
Am not sure how much a Managed User license costs compared to an App User license, so perhaps that is also a factor in which way you'd go...
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