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2 commentaires

  • Jason

    Hi ,


    Thanks for the message! There is unfortunately not a way to customize that experience within the Embed Widget. We typically recommend looking into our UI Elements for more customization options. Our comparison sheet has a general overview:



    Specifically, you might want or Content Explorer:



    You can see an example here - there is no "Updated by" column:



    It is a slightly different and more involved set up, but those guides should have everything you need to get a solution going.


    Hope that helps!





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  • dansnodgrass

    The proper response to this question is to tell the OP there is no solution available for the embed widget.


    While it may be possible to build something for other Box implementations, that is a separate issue and therefore, this question should not be marked "solved".


    In fact, the embed widget, while partially useful, has an awful UI.  The OP is correct in that there should be a settings checkbox to select what details the user wishes to show in the widget.

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