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Search within a folder using tags - API

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4 commentaires

  • mwiller

     You should be able to use the Search API to do this — something like the following should do what you want (just replace the ALL_CAPS parts with your parameters):


    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" https://api.box.com/2.0/search?query=TAG_NAME&content_types=tags&ancestor_folder_ids=FOLDER_ID
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  • rogerwith

     Thank you,


    Tried the code and it worked until certain point, which it will not recognize "ancestor_folder_ids". 

    but thank you again you gave me a way out!






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  • phil-northcott

    This didn't work for us.  Is there some documentation on exactly how these strings are supposed to be formed?   

    Ideally we're looking for a regex or sql type search into tag contents (or metadata contents) 

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  • azndoodle

    Is there confirmation that it's work again?

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