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Box API - Create Folder and enable "Auto-Delete on selected date"

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7 commentaires

  • cary

    Hey ,


    You can achieve that by either calling the delete folder endpoint or by using the Box Retention Policy endpoint to determine a duration that a folder cannot be deleted. At the end of this period(90 days in this case) you can choose to: permanently delete or remove the retention policy from the folder.


    Let me know if this is helpful or if you have any other questions, thank you! 

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  • BentheBuilder

    The idea is to not have to need to make an additional API call (90 days later) to delete the folder. There is a setting in box at both the folder and file level that allows you to set it to delete (move to trash) on a specified date. I'm trying to figure out if I can configure that setting via the API (Create Folder or Update Folder) or some other API call to manage the settings on the folder. 

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  • mwiller

     Unfortunately, that setting is not currently supported via the Update Folder API endpoint.

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  • BentheBuilder

    Is there any option for automating this function via the API or SDK? 

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  • mwiller

     As  mentioned, Box offers Governance features like Retention Policies, which can be used to ensure a file is not deleted for some amount of time and then delete it at the end of that period.  However, aside from that, there is not a simple feature in the API or SDK to perform this functionality automatically.

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  • BentheBuilder

    "Governance features" - Does this require additional cost/features for Box? And are those Governance features available via SDK/API? 

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  • mwiller

    Yes, Governance is generally sold as an add-on feature to enterprise accounts.  The Retention Policies feature I mentioned is available in our API and is supported in our SDKs.

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