Got "invalid client" when box user grant access to app
I am creating a file picker app, in my app, I direct user to oauth2 authorize page to grant access to my app.
After user click "Grant access to Box", I got error "invalid client" and error detail is "
- scope=root_readwrite
- folder_id=
- response_type=code
- redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/picker/tokenavhV
- state=
- client_id=mmrq5jfqqon8s69by9vt4twmxejprp76
I can't identify the problem by error details, anyone would give a hint?
one more thing is, I tried to skip box login before grant access by posting login/password as form data to /api/oauth2/authorize. maybe it's relevent.
Thanks in advance.
Hi ywang1,
Thank you for posting in forum!
I appreciate the information you have provided thus far. However, for us to better troubleshoot this particular issue, please submit a ticket to our Customer Support team at this link.
In the support ticket, please provide the same information in this post as well as a screenshot of your issue.
In addition to the screnshot, please provide the code you are using to creat your file picker app.
Thank you again for posting in forum!
Kind Regards,
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