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AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'get_retention_policies'

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4 commentaires

  • mwiller

     It looks like you're using the Box Python SDK — what version are you on?  That method was only added in v2.0.0, which was recently released.

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  • shynee

    Awesome. That was it. Running an older version of sdk. Did a pip upgrade and error went away. I have a follow up question.


    How do I access/iterate through this object ?



    Thanks Again.

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  • mwiller

     The Python SDK docs have examples for how to use most of the functions of the SDK — please refer to those.  In general, for API endpoints that return a collection, the SDK returns an iterator that you can use in a for-in loop or manually advance by calling next() on it.

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  • shynee

    I did try to iterate, but it was giving me an error. After closer inspection, I found my authentication needs higher privileges. 


    "error_description="The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token."'


    Thanks again for the quick response. Really appreciated.

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