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Get external users via API

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4 commentaires

  • mwiller

     The user_type=external parameter does not allow listing all external users; it must be combined with the filter_term parameter to look up an external user by their login email address.  Here's the relevant snippet from the API documentation:


    "If filter_term is omitted, all managed users (and app users) will be returned. External users can only be returned with an exact match of filter_term."

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  • i3arnon

    That’s unfortunate..

    Thank you.

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  • Sivadutta


    Wondering why only "App user" type is left behind from the filter parameter!

    It should be included as a filter term, if I want to see only "App_users" or "Managed_users" only in my result set.




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  • LuisRamirez

    one way to get the external users is first get all enterprise users then get the folders collaboration, the will give you the groups and all users that have access to the folder, if an user with access to the folder is not on the enterprise users list then the user is external

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