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Is search feature available in legacy box file picker?

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2 commentaires

  • jcleblanc

    Hi ,


    The legacy picker unfortunately does not include the current search functionality and isn't a supported product any longer. That documentation will be removed at the end of January 2020, but please use developer.box.com for any documentation needs for Box Platform.


    With that said, the integration that you should use to have the modern functionality + search is the Box Elements file picker. That should provide you with what you're after.




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  • princu7

    Ah. That's unfortunate. Thanks for helping. I checked the Box Content Picker and it requires some authorization on the server-side using OAuth or JWT. I mainly chose the legacy file picker because I didn't want to go through all the above steps which require some application server. Is that possible or the former is the only option possible. Thanks!

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