dicom viewer shared link only shows the first frame
I wasn't sure what better place to post this, so feel free to move it.
I've uploaded some dicom files to test with, these are publicly available files for testing.
I'm uploading through the box online interface. When I view the dicom file with the dicom viewer, I see 200 images in the stack. I created a shared link through the share button in the viewer, and the link works fine when I view it. When I use the shared link in another browser that I'm not signed in on, I see only the first frame. Others in my office have verified this same problem.
Here's the shared link: https://umich.app.box.com/dicom_viewer/640909896334/image-00002.dcm?sharedName=9j6wtxumcjf4styj004ov3fs0lul4u25&version=1.3.4
Is this a bug or am I missing something when I attempt to share it? My next phase will be producing shared links with the API. Are there any special steps for that as well?
Hi ,
Just a guess, but this may be related to permissions as in the DICOM viewer stitches together multiple images to provide an interactive 360 view. When the file is shared, perhaps only the first image is shared and the external user doesn't have access to the other files and thus can't access the other images.
This may be worth following up with Box support directly by filing a ticket, they should be able to help a bit better there.
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