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Create 'file request' via API?

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4 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel

    @colohost - Please consider upvoting the corresponding request and leaving a comment with your use case or other considerations in our customer feedback portal, Box Pulse:


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  • jcleblanc

    Hi @colohost,


    We currently don't have a file request link API available within Platform. With that said, this is in active development, so it is something that we are working towards in the future.


    - Jon

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  • Nikitha

    Hi Jon,

    We have a similar requirement where when users create an Application, then a new folder gets created and the file request needs to be enabled for them to upload files and submit the application. Is there any API that we can use this functionality?



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  • Josh Davis

    Hey All, has this feature been added to the API?  We have an automation that needs to create a unique file request. 

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