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5 commentaires

  • Jason

    Hey Balaji,


    There's not an API for specifically resetting external passwords unfortunately. Could you share a little bit about your intended use case?

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  • iancrew

    Hi @Jason62:

    It's an old thread that I'm reviving here, and I'm not @Balaji, but one big use case would be scrambling those external passwords periodically for security reasons, or as people leave the organization, if we wanted to leave their Box accounts active for a period of time for their collaborators, but not allow them access to their accounts.

    Has there been an update for this in the past year?



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  • Scott Harlan

    Also not Balaji, but we have the same exact use case as iancrew.  Any update?

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  • Adebolu Omololu

    Also reviving an old thread. Looking for a similar solution to address the use case of rotating passwords of active box accounts for people who have left the org. Please advice

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  • Scott Harlan

    Go look at /2.0/users/terminate_sessions.  That's now an option and what we ended up using to do this.

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