Getting ReadTimeoutException while fetching file-information with multiple API calls simultaneously.
Hi Team,
We are fetching box-file content along with other information like file-info, file-metadata, file-comments, file-collaboration by making simultaneously multiple asynchronous API calls.
On my box account , there are 1000+ files (in future it would we more then 1M). Some times we are able to fetch all the files content along with it's information and sometime it got failed with "ReadTimeoutException" for few files with below logs.
[id: 0x83d61873, L:/ -] The connection observed an error io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException
Except this we are not getting enough details to trace this issue at our end.
Can you please help us to fix this issue.
client-id : lflsfpkw3suy962plvyx6r0ktwlwrd8p
reproduced : between 8PM to 10 PM IST. (24 FEB 2021)
Please let me know if you need more information in order to trace this issue.
Note: we are not making more then 14 call per second as per the box guideline.
Thanks in advance.
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