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Exception : connection timed out: api.box.com/

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8 commentaires

  • Kourtney

    Hey Vivek, 

    Are you still encountering this issue? If so, can you provide me with the client ID and a specific example date/time/timezone of the issue so I can take a closer look at our logs? 



    Box Developer Advocate

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  • Vivek

    Hi Kourtney,

    Thanks for your prompt response.

    Yes, we are still facing this issue, Please find the bellow details as you asked.

    Client-ID: 8oi6q84z0vvujrjv7guvavmijpxjxpqp

    Date and time: This issue encountered multiple time Between 2020-12-02 18:55:15.215 IST   to  2020-12-02 19:04:17.636 IST




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  • Kourtney

    Hmm what error message dud you get during that time? The only errors I'm seeing are 400s related to tokens. Digging further into those the error is: invalid_client: The client credentials are invalid.


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  • Vivek

    Hi Kourtney,

    It's getting fail in first time and  while we retry the same API after few seconds it works fine for us.

    You seen 400s because the token get refreshed between the time frame I provided earlier. 

    can you please check again for the below time frame ?

    Time: between 2020-12-03 19:19:34.849  IST To   2020-12-03 19:19:49.716 IST

    The message we are getting is  [id: 0x895b1e8f, L:/ - R:api.box.com/] The connection observed an error



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  • Kourtney

    Hmm so "The connection observed an error" is not an error message Box will ever return. Is it possible to get more verbose logging that might show a specific error message that is coming from Box? 

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  • Vivek

    Except this , i am not getting any other message, kindly check logs of given time frame, so we can figure out exat problem.


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  • Vivek

    Hi Kourtney,

    Do we have any update on this, we want to fix this at the earliest as we already short of time.

    We really appreciate to you if you can help us on this.




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  • Kourtney

    I believe the root cause of the issue is still rate limiting. I can see you're exceeding the number of API calls per second per user with user ID 13735777247 at this time. 

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