Box Edit/Tools can't open the file
I use the box edit/tools, ver 4.13.
I access the box web browser and open with MS Excel, Acrobat DC or MS Word and so on. Sometime, my laptop can not open the file one time from box edit. I try a few times. Then, the file open the application.
My laptop’s OS is the following.
OS:Windows 10 Home
I would like to know the countermeasures.
Hi there,
Welcome to the Box Community!This would be something our Support team would like to investigate with you and may require specific account information.I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this.Please check your email for details and updates.Thanks for your patience! -
I have the same problem, and just now posted it here:
Hello team,
I have been using box for the past 6 months and it was working fine.
For the past 4 days, while trying to open excel, word etc. files the following message pops up. Refer Screen Shot-1.
Tried downloading and install box tools and it doesn't install. - Refer Screen Shot-2
Screen Shot-1
Screen Shot-2
Request your help to fix this.
+91 9703244567
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