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Image previews

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2 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Mark, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    To confirm, are your users using Box Drive to access these images?

    If yes, this could be due to these limitations:

    • For Windows usersThumbnails of Box files are not visible in Windows Explorer unless the file is cached or marked for offline.
    • For Mac usersFile thumbnails do not appear for files that have not been previously opened through Box Drive. Additionally, Finder's Quick Look does not work for files that have not been previously opened through Box Drive.

    You could ask your collaborators to Mark their folders for Offline access and it will download that collaborative folder to the cache, which would make thumbnails work for files inside. Check out this article on how to Mark a folder for offline access: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697574-Making-Content-Available-Offline

    Hope that helps!


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  • Seviant

    Hi France,

    I am experiencing the same problem after uninstalling and reinstalling Box Drive. Is there a command or option to force Box Drive to recreate the Image File Previews? Simply selecting the "Refresh File" or "Refresh Folder" option for Files & Folders that have been designated as "Make Available Offline" does not force Box Drive to refresh and display the Icon Previews in macOS Finder even after restarting or relaunching macOS Finder.

    Please advise. Thank you!

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