Python Search API - returns nothing
Hello Everyone,
All my searches come back with 0 entires.
I have tried 2 different sets of auth tokens from 2 different people and my searches always return nothing, but if I use the gui, I can find files.
my client seems to work as I am able to pull up user aliases, user disk usage etc, ie other api calls seem to work.
what doesnt work is my attempts at the search, i even tried like a make_request version. I could show that too.. but I am wondering if its something else now below is my code, then the most simple search I could try. (id's and filenames changed to protect the innocent)
I am running Python 3.6.7
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
I did try my "search" from the MAKE API CALL on the website, very cool btw, and it worked fine and showed me exactly what i was expecting.
#what i really want, but i have broken down
#items'file_i_know_exists', type="file", limit=100, file_extensions='pdf', owner_user_ids=["11111"], scope="user_content", fields='name' )
item_count = 0
for item in items:
print('The item ID is {0} and the item name is {1}'.format(,
item_count = item_count + 1
if item_count == 0:
print("sdk items not found")
Commentaire officiel
What user are you using to the create the client? Does that user have access to the content you are searching for?
Alex, Box Developer Advocate
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Ya thats I am thinking too.
I setup my own token and clientID and apAuth, do I need to do something more do allow for box api content searching on the dev console ? I see there are other things I can allow.
I originally added this to the search 'owner_user_ids=["$MY_OWN_ID"]' (note the commented out section thats me trying to search my own id)
The item_count is always 0.
Thanks for the help!
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