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Box Drive for Mac and Mac OS Monterey

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24 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Jody, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    This is something our Product Support team would like to investigate and may require specific account information and configuration so I went ahead and created a ticket for you.

    Kindly check your email for details and updates.

    Thanks for posting and let us know how else we can help!

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  • Mackenzie Gerl

    Did you get any help from the Box team? I am struggling with the same issues.

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  • Jody McClean

    I believe they are asking for every to submit a support ticket so each individual case can be investigated. I've had some correspondence on the ticket but no solve yet. Sounds like a broader problem as people are updating so hopefully it will be solved soon.


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  • Alston Gardner

    Having the same problem.   Box web app only is a major step backwards and is slowing down usage.   Do not recommend for Box for an enterprise applications until they can fix this.

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  • Kirsty Guster

    I'm having same problem. Taking up over 250GB space. Apple Genius store can't find a solution and want to wipe my computer and start again. Can someone please advise?

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  • Valerie McGinley

    Same issue here.  Box is our enterprise cloud storage at our university and it is very very slow with the upgrade to Monterrey.

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  • Rob Waters

    One of our users updated to Monterrey and files are now randomly being deleted off the server.  Please help!

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  • Chris Young

    I am also having this same issue with Box Drive after upgrading to OS Monterrey.  

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  • Shawn Corley

    I highly recommend taking to Twitter with these issues at @box and @boxsupport to get them to respond faster. It tends to light a fire under their you know whats when it's public. This is ridiculous.

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  • Cody Biggs

    I am having this same issue on my machine. 

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  • TMRC Production

    Having the same issue and it's driving me crazy! I sure hope they have a fix soon.

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  • Claire Kim

    recently updated the Mac iOS to Monterey, ...started having issues with opening/browsing files on Adobe Bridge program. Either it went blank, never showed files/images from Box folder. 

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  • Joel Hallberg

    Box drive is useless on Monterey. The whole point was to free up hard drive space. Going back to web-based version. They had to know this would anger most users. Makes no sense.



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  • Shawn Corley

    It blows my mind how their product no longer works for this many people and they are asking everyone to fill out individual tickets??? It's the same fundamental problem for everyone who upgraded to Monterey! How hard is that to understand? Not one explanation from anyone representing BOX on these forums other than "Can you start an individual ticket please?" Just tell us all here what is going on.

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  • Cathryn Tall

    I agree - I'm being asked to submit videos of what's going wrong. But it simply doesn't load onto my desktop. How can that be a video worth uploading. There would be no content in the video to upload. I was also told to download the fix. This didn't work either ad was having the same issues as before. I reported this and guess what... I was asked to submit another video. Very disappointed with the customer service. 

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  • Claire Kim

    Temporary solution for Mac iOS — MONTEREY users, I found this method works for me, so want to share—for browsing photo files in Adobe Bridge 2022. 
    Go to System Preference, click Security & Privacy, then update the setting on Box. Click the checkbox to include Box for giving full access.
    Open your photo files in the Box folder using the Finder and drag files to Adobe Bridge. You'll be able to see image preview. 

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  • Viper_3

    Some of the users on my team are also having the same issue where clicking on a folder. It takes a while to show what's inside that folder. Making the process painfully slow and entirely unprofitable. Is there a solution to this issue that could be answered for the community? 

    • Box 2.24.211

    • Mac OS Monterey 12.1

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  • Claire Kim

    Viper_3 have you tried the method that i posted (above your comment)? it works a lot faster! hope that helps! 

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  • Viper_3

    Claire Kim The problem is more with all sub folder and files not showing in box, vs just viewing images in bridge.One potential fix is trying to delete all problem items and logging out and back in again. That seems to have fixed the preview of folders and content issue for a few of my users. I think the problem items may have been locking up the system a bit?

    I dont have an option to check for Box, like you do in the screenshot.

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  • China Hamilton

    This same is issue is making my job VERY difficult and time consuming. It is not a matter of just previewing images, as I need to constantly work in files and resave them to locations on box. I need my old functionality back ASAP. I need to be able to work directly from my desktop and be seamlessly synced to box drive in order to do my job properly.



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  • Jeffrey DeLong

    Running Monterey 12.1 and Box Drive Version 2.25.306.

    We've been Box users pretty much since the beginning and have tried to role with the punches of all the craziness and changes. This one leaves a pretty crappy taste in my mouth. Especially, seeing the complete lack of response to this issue.

    On top of the issues presented above, all of a sudden my folder/file permissions have been completely wiped out and replaced with only read/write access on every directory and file. Even the ones marked for offline are affected. I've always been able to put specific directory/file permissions on various files and this is a critical piece for the development we do.

    I have tried to manually reset some of my permissions on those files, to find out they are immediately overwritten. Not cool at all.

    As stated above, please bring back the old functionality or give the options to decide for ourselves.

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  • Kendra Jendro

    For anyone dealing with Box Drive issues on Monterey, try going into Security & Privacy settings, then Full Disk Access, and make sure that all the apps and services from Box have a check mark toggled. It will pop up a message that says Box Drive will need to restart to apply the settings, click to allow that. Once I did this and granted Box full disk access, suddenly all the folders that didn't want to load were loading without any issues.

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  • Alston Gardner

    I tried your solution without success. 

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  • Viper_3

    New issue over the last 5 weeks. Photoshop files 400MB–800MB sync/save, save as, issue. Will not update to box leaves red exclamation icon with "network error" listed as issue.  Confirmed there is no network issue on my side. Or at all the other locations and users I have tested with. 

    Photoshop files copy and work fine on other cloud drives, it just seems to be some sort of glitch on BOX.
    • other files with similar size also upload fine. Zip and mp4 video files. 

    Tested on multiple computers and different types of internet through the world, same issue.
    Newest OS, Newest Box Drive, All permissions checked in security, 1GB wired connection with no data loss issues.

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