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Box Drive Not Saving Files

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10 commentaires

  • Amber Webb

    Should also add, user received no error messages nor any such icons in Box Drive to indicate there were issues during the file save process. To him, everything seemed to be functioning fine...until he went to open a recently modified file a few hours later...and then we started digging - all work beyond 5:11 pm yesterday is gone.

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  • Dave

    I am having the same issue above. Regularly work in Photoshop and that is usually where the error occurs is with a Photoshop file that ends up blocking the update/upload process. If I logout, it will erase all that work. This has been causing trouble and we are missing deadlines because of this. I have been able to retrieve seem work through Time Machine on Apple, but anything not saved in Time Machine before a logout is gone. I am running macOS Monterey 12.3.1 on an Intel Core i9 MacBook Pro. This needs to be remedied ASAP.

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  • Dave

    I, too, did not see the errors in the folder or system until way after I had closed down for the day.

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  • David Herrick

    This has become a widespread problem at our agency. It's affecting all Adobe applications and M365 apps as well. Our workflow has virtually stopped and ballooned into a very cumbersome workaround. It's gotten worse since the latest macOS upgrade to Monterey 12.5.

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  • Dave

    @dherrick, same issues here. For months now. Have to double check files at the end of day to see what did not save to Box. Then we make sure to keep a copy on the local drives and quit/restart Box and try to upload the latest through our www browser. 

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  • Amber Webb

    This issue is still intermittently going on for our agency as well. After chatting with another creative production contact who has Box Drive deployed, he suggested looking into FULL PATH CHARACTER COUNT...reason being, the way BD works with the OS on Macs, the OS limits the number of characters in a path that BD can trace back - but it won't throw an error. In his environment, he had to audit paths & found that was the culprit in most instances NOT the file size, type, etc. My agency is still auditing file paths for this as this issue presents itself again.

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  • David Herrick

    Amber Webb thanks, we'll run some tests and see if that is indeed the problem. This does match in theory why I've only heard from some users reporting this problem as maybe those users are working in areas in Box that have longer folder trees and the file names they are saving are too long.

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  • Amber Webb

    David Herrick this could also be because of waterfall permissions whereas some users' BD folders are resolving shorter paths to the same locations as others. 

    I've got two users on BD & attempting to save to the same location: user A with permission to a level 3 sub-folder having no issues saving files to it while user B (with permission to the outermost parent folder) cannot...my theory here is that BD is resolving a shorter path for A and a much longer path for B. Still testing in this scenario now. No errors for B and much confusion since it is the same location in Box...my guess is the full path character count is the culprit.

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  • David Herrick

    We tested that and has not solved the problem. We took time to abbreviate all file path character lengths to get them from 284 down to less than 255 with no success. We also have another anomaly where I can see the newly saved files just fine but the originator is still showing as "File does not exist" icon.

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  • David Herrick

    Here's an example of user problems across the Box Drive system:
    User A generates files from Adobe Applications and they list as "Files does not exist" icon. Sometimes they can access them others not, not syncing at all to the Web UI app either.

    User B sees the file just fine in their Box Drive instance.

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