Support Forum Guidelines
ÉpingléeThe Box Community is a public forum for Box users to help each other. To get the most out of the community, follow these guidelines below:
Read and follow our Box Support Forums Terms of Service!
Keep it friendly
- Be friendly, helpful, and respectful. In other words, treat others as you'd like to be treated.
- If someone threatens or bullies you, or is behaving inappropriately, please report it via “Report Inappropriate Content” or tell a moderator.
- Avoid posting in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS - we can still hear you!
- Avoid "bumping" or reposting the same question in the forums. Your fellow community members are not ignoring you, but they may not have enough information to respond. Instead, try posting more detail to your original question!
Keep your promises
- Make sure you have proper authorization to share or post materials here; this includes content posted via shared link.
- Remember your obligations to copyright law, NDA's, etc.
Keep it relevant
- Post your question once, in the area that is the closest fit.
- Don't jump on an existing thread to ask a question about a different topic, or divert a thread for your own purposes; create a new thread instead.
... and here's some tips on posting to get responses:
- Search before you post: Searching before you post can help us avoid repeat questions, many of which may already have been answered.
- Use a descriptive title: A clear, concise title will help others to easily understand your question, click into your post, and answer quickly. This also helps users with similar questions, allowing them to search the Community and find the answer.
- Provide enough detail: Background information such as the different solutions you’ve tried or the error message you see will help your fellow members to solve your issue faster.
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