Sub-Folder IDs
I am new to the Box cli and trying to pull some data. We are new to Box and new to the Cli as I mentioned.
I am running this command:
box folders:items (Root Folder ID) --save-to-file-path=C:\test.csv --as-user=(BOX ADMIN ACCT)
Under this Root folder i have a bunch of folders in the following structure
ROOT Folder/Sub- Folder 1/Sub-Folder 2/Sub-Folder 3/Sub-Folder 4/Sub-Folder 5/USER FILES HERE.PDF
How do I get the IDS for all the Sub Folders under the root folder or how do I get the ID for all the Sub-folder 5 that exist in the structure.
There are about 17k Sub folders at level 1 and each one has the same structure listed above. There are about 9 million folders that exist at Sub Folder 5 level.
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